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Dear Doctor:

Since 1956 the American Medical Association has recognized alcoholism as a primary, progressive disease. We at Al-Anon/Alateen know that it is also a family disease, which can affect some or all members of a household both physically and emotionally. It has been our experience that the relatives and friends of alcoholics often seek medical help for a variety of stress-related symptoms.

Al-Anon is a mutual support fellowship that offers a program of recovery to the relatives and friends of alcoholics. Alateen, a part of Al-Anon, is for a teenager who is equally affected by an alcoholic.

We can provide Al-Anon meetings for Institutions, Al-Anon/Alateen speakers for seminars or workshops, information booths for health fairs, or materials for professionals who might have patients or clients who have been affected by the family disease of alcoholism.

We are most grateful for your professional awareness and understanding of our program. We recognize that you are in a unique position to help the medical society understand that Al-Anon can give hope and help to thousands who have been adversely affected by another￿s alcoholism. If you wish more information, please e-mail us or contact our office at 214-363-0461. We will be happy to provide you with our Professional Information Packets free of charge.


Dallas Al-Anon Information Service Center

Last Modified Monday, 12th August, 2019 @ 07:18pm  

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